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ARA149 - Standard Arabic 2
ENV015 - Introductory Marine Science
ELE015 - Digital Electronics
MAT121 - Number Concepts
LIN207 - Discourse and Pragmatics
POL605 - Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges
PHM409 - Pharmaceutical science V
MAT211 - Calculus 2
ELE013 - Consumer Electronics I
ECO217 - Essentials of Econometrics
SSW017 - Organizational Context of Social Work Practice
SOC017 - Introduction to Social Science
PUB609 - Communicable Disease Control
PRL101 - Public Relations Trends and Skills
MKT217 - Advertising and Promotion
LAW441 - Law of evidence
ENG307 - Poetry in Literature
ENG113 - General English 1
DHI121 - Dhivehi Hama Beynunkurun
CST349 - Teaching Numbers in Early Years
BUS031 - Essentials of Business Management
ART113 - World Art History
PSY503 - Clinical Psychological Assessment
PHY201 - Applied Physics 1
ECO029 - Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
SCI033 - Preparatory Science
PHE201 - Physical Education 1
LIT307 - Adhabiyyaathu Ungannaidhinun
ENV011 - Introduction to Conservation
CST347 - Movement Education
BUS029 - Essentials of Business Studies
BES323 - Geotechnical Engineering
SSW015 - Working with Individuals and Groups
MKT213 - Integrated Marketing Communication
LIT305 - Liyuntherikan
ENV017 - Waste management and pollution prevention
ELE011 - Electronic Circuits
ECO101 - Microeconomics
COM201 - Organizational Behavior
BIO203 - Conservation Biology
LIN109 - Bahavee Ilmuge Tha'aaraf 1
ENV025 - Community Engagement and Communication
DHI309 - Dhivehi Liyuntherikan
CST307 - Language Teaching Methodology II
CST247 - Language Arts - Dhivehi II
BES229 - Structural Design I
ACC035 - Introduction to Cost Accounting
SCI031 - Engineering Principles
PSY501 - Psychopathology
ELE009 - Electrical Machines
ECO601 - Impacts of Disaster on economy and development
ECO201 - International Economics
ECO027 - Fundamentals of Microeconomics
CHE205 - Inorganic Chemistry
ACC211 - Company Accounting
JOU105 - News Reporting and Writing I
ENG305 - English Literature in Context
ART115 - Drawing I
PSY507 - Professional and Ethical Practices
ACC032 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
DHI117 - Muaamalaathu Kurumuge Hunaru
BES319 - Statistics for Engineers
ART117 - Graphic Design I
TRS107 - Sustainable Tourism Development
TRS103 - Business of Travel and Tourism
SSW311 - Dissertation
SSW309 - Crime, Violence and Justice
SSW307 - Social Work and Social Policy
SSW207 - Social Work Theory for Practice II
SSW131 - Social Work Ethics and Values
SSW125 - Social Work Methods and Skills
SSW123 - Professional Learning and Development
SSW121 - Introduction to Social Work
SOC607 - Research & Evaluation Methods
SCI205 - Research Methods & Experimental Design
SCI103 - Fundamentals of Science
QUR107 - Quran II
PUB615 - Professional Practice Project 2
PUB217 - Health Care Policy
PRM419 - Internship for PGD
PRM219 - Practicum II for Early Childhood Edu
PHT403 - Research for Physiotherapy
PHM405 - Pharmaceutical Science IV
PHM403 - Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy
PHM401 - Drug Discovery & Development
PHM207 - Pharmacology & Therapeutics III
PHM135 - Pharmaceutical Management I
PHM117 - Advanced Pharmacy Practice II
NUR501 - Assessment for Advanced Nursing Practice
NUR337 - Nursing Mgt & Leadership Practicum II
NUR233 - Ethical & LegaI Issues in Nursing
MWF229 - Care of Neonate
MWF201 - Midwifery Practicum I
MLS139 - Practicum
MGT309 - Project Management in Health Services
MEC033 - Workshop Technology I
MAT405 - Differential Equations
LIN225 - Phonetics and Phonology
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